Monday, April 5, 2010

If you know, you know..

Don't ever doubt what you thought was real, that what you felt was a one way thing. chances are, the person you're thinking about is thinking about you too. Or the person you thought didnt care about you as much as you cared about them, actually does care about you alot.

Never underestimate your instincts. Don't doubt your self worth. You are who you know you are in your heart. Shit happens along the way and there's an underlying truth that doesn't always show, but it's still imprinted.

what do i want?

peace of mind would be nice.

i used to have it. i remember the feeling. i'll get it again.

Freedom. like a gush of wind through my whole body. like a weight off my shoulders. like opening my eyes after being asleep half my life. like everything coming together, piece by piece and making sense. being at one with the universe. the question is... how?

all i know is that its from within. its nothing you can get from someone else.

"If I could be anything but what I am, I would be tomorrow. If I could be what my father wants me to be, then maybe I could stay for that, too. If I could be what you want me to be, I'd want to stay. But I am what I am, and all I want is freedom."